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How To Become A Millionaire?

Get this: "If you want to make a million dollars, help a million people." A quote by Zig Ziglar that just hit me when I happened to walk into a business management class last week. This simple yet powerful statement gave me a moment of clarity.

I used to believe that I'd be in an ideal position to make a significant difference to others when I had the money. It’s a common belief. However, Zig Ziglar’s words challenged that notion. His counter-intuitive thought had me stop and start questioning the validity of my own belief. I realise my belief is not wrong, it's just limiting. It works to stop me from taking action, shaking things up and yet keeping me comfortable. While I appreciate that, I'm grateful to have the awareness now to choose to do things differently.

It's a choice, every single time. Today, I choose the possibility of making a positive impact on a million people and many more, aiming to touch, move, and inspire them to undertake any acts of kindness. Imagine if everyone aspired to be a millionaire by helping a million people—the potential for positive change could be extraordinary! I use this blog as my canvas, where I paint lessons learned and nuggets of wisdom that resonate with me, intending to make a difference in others' lives. Despite our diverse backgrounds, we share common quirks as humans, sometimes more than we want to admit. Through this blog, I strive to breathe life into my authenticity, hoping you'll see a bit of yourself in my experiences.

For me, blogging is a way of giving back. It's not just a fleeting thought anymore when I take the action to put my thoughts out. It's a tangible action that warms my heart as well. It's funny that I've had the thought of blogging for a while, but I just haven't had the drive to translate my musings into words. Just recently, these two sources kicked me into gear. 1) Zig Ziglar's quote about helping a million people which was mentioned. 2) The Netflix movie "Bank of Dave," about Dave Fishwick's real-life journey to establish a community bank to help his community. So on an auspicious day of January 2024 when the universe seemed to deliver a double dose of wisdom through these two resonant sources, I was seriously exploring the concept of doing well by doing good—a ripple effect that invites others to catch the positive vibe. It's about constructing a critical mass, a tipping point that nudges human consciousness into a cosmic dance. The shift is inevitable, so why not kick it off with me?

Photo credit: by Jingming Pan on Unsplash

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